Thursday, April 2, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutor - Tension and The Importance of It in Chemical Education

Organic Chemistry Tutor - Tension and The Importance of It in Chemical EducationIn today's society many people are switching to this new and ever growing trend called organic chemistry tutoring. You see, in today's society the more advanced the science, the more money it takes to pursue it. If you want to be a good scientist, or an expert in a certain area, you are going to have to learn more advanced concepts than the average student.The organic chemistry tutor may be teaching the student about new forms of energy, or about how to build up and use heat energy. These concepts that they teach their students are very relevant and necessary for us all. It is extremely important that the children are taught these concepts at a young age and they develop these skills with dedication, because in order to stay at the top of their field, they will need these skills when they are adults.Tension is an incredibly powerful force. It is hard for a child to learn to sit still, while learning to th ink and the things that are going on around them.In order to develop these skills, tension must be dealt with. It is usually given in the form of hard feelings and pressure. It does not take much time to deal with this tension, but it is extremely important to teach your child to manage it when it comes to thinking and feelings.Anger is very common in children and is needed to be dealt with. Remember, this anger will be used in the future, and the more you let it flow, the more it will be used.One of the best ways to relieve this tension is to give them fresh air and sunlight. A healthy environment is extremely beneficial for your child. This is because he or she will learn to live a healthier lifestyle, which will help them learn how to work more efficiently.Always remember, the more tension that is applied to the problem areas, the easier it will be to solve them. It can also be used as motivation and will help build their confidence.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Using to Help Plan Your Career

Using to Help Plan Your Career What Is ChaptersWhat is for?What Services are Available from“In school we learn that mistakes are bad, and we are punished for making them. Yet, if you look at the way humans are designed to learn, we learn by making mistakes. We learn to walk by falling down. If we never fell down, we would never walk.” - Robert T. KiyosakiIn 2017/2018, there were 2.3 million students in higher education in the UK. However, around 14% of students drop out before their second year. While there are plenty of reasons for students dropping out, choosing the wrong course or feeling like you're on the wrong course is one of them.It's very difficult to remain motivated at university when you don't feel that your course is right for you. While you can weigh up the pros and cons of having a degree and decide to just stick it out until you graduate, it's probably a better idea to think long and hard about what you want to study before you apply to university.However, if you're al ready in university, you might have no idea what you want to do with your degree and be too close to graduating to feasibly change courses. Fortunately, there are resources for students looking for guidance and is a useful website for those looking for a career and academic guidance.In this article in our series on career counselling, advice, and online career resources, we’re having a look at as a useful resource for your career. TraceyPersonal development Teacher 4.92 (9) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors IsamPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndriyPersonal development Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MichelePersonal development Teacher 4.73 (7) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlloydPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliverPersonal development Teacher 4.33 (4) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat is for?Even students in Year 9 need to be thinking about their future in terms of their GCSE, A Level, and degree choices. There are also tutors and career guidance available in schools. The problem is that different schools have different tutors and advisors and not all of them will have all the information. Better schools may have better resources for advisors and tutors and more time to focus on their students’ careers and prospects. Once you graduate, you'll need to make some important decisions about your future. (Source: McElspeth)Here are some self-development courses for you.I don’t know about you, but I don’t remember getting tonnes of advice from my tutors at school. I got the impression that you were just supposed to continue with the subjects that you did best at. By A Level, you’re expected to know what you’re doing.So what student services are there for those needing career and study guidance?Students have a lot of choices when it comes to what to study and what to do and your academic advisor at school might be able to help you work out some career goals, but they cant be expected to know degree requirements off by heart.Fortunately, there are lots of services that can help you find academic success and, as you may have guessed, is one of them.  This site exists to give students information, advice, and opportunities after their studies.Their main goals are to:provide a market- leading portfolio of graduate career and postgraduate study recruitment optionswork in close partnership with HE and further education (FE) professional bodies and governmentdeliver unique services that benefit the sector as a wholeinspire career choices throughout the student journeySecondary school students, university students, and graduates can all use the service.Find out about the National Careers Service.What Services are Available from works with the National Union of Students and career services and can be found on most university campuses. There’s also plenty of services such as:Search tools for apprenticeships, graduate jobs, internships, and postgraduate courses.Career plannersJobs and Work ExperienceSince focuses on graduates, there's a comprehensive graduate job search, job profiles, work experience and internships, and even an option to work out what jobs would be good for you. You can also look at working abroad, taki ng a gap year, or working for yourself. If you're still sort of lost, you can even look at different job sectors. If you're looking for work or work experience, you might want to visit (Source: Free-Photos)When it comes to career development, you need to look at jobs and internships, employment opportunities, career fairs, and online career services.  Looking for a job can be tricky and it can be even harder to find a career!You'd be surprised just how many jobs you can get just because you have a degree.Postgraduate StudyIf you've graduated your undergraduate degree, you can search postgraduate courses on Additionally, there's plenty of information on funding postgraduate study and the different universities and departments. Much like with jobs, there's also information on studying abroad and conversion courses for those who are interested in postgraduate study in a field unrelated to their undergraduate degree.There are also plenty of resources and information on law qualifications, masters degrees, MBA courses, and PhDs. Once you graduate, you might be interested in studying a postgraduate degree. (Source: Free-Photos)Careers AdviceIf you're wondering what you can do with your degree, trying to get a job, writing your CV or a cover letter, or applying to jobs, has useful information for job seekers including interview tips and information on events like jobs fairs and careers fairs.  A career fair is a great thing to look into attending after graduation or even while you're still at university.A careers fair is an event where employers advertise positions and are a great opportunity to meet the people who may be responsible for your new career. There are also plenty of larger companies offering graduate schemes where students can move into a job once they finish their degree and they'll probably be in attendance looking for promising students.You might want to contact a career advisor or career coach and to help you navigate the job market, complete career assessments, and search for jobs.  Make an appointment with a career counsellor if you're still feeling lost! You can always sit down with them, do a skills assessment, and see what kinds of courses would be suitable for you.Of course, you can't just choose a course based on what you're good at; you also need to think carefully about what you're passionate about. If you don't like what you're doing, it can be almost impossible to succeed at it!Need more guidance?Find out about academic appraisals.Applying for UniversityIf you're thinking about studying at university, there's information on choosing courses, getting into university student loans and finance, university life, changing or leaving a course, and the alternatives to studying at university.If you're looking for job opportunities or something to do after graduation, is a fantastic resource for career planning, career management, and is one of the best online resources for career opportunities. Have a look at the website and get in touc h with your student union for more information!If you need more information on applying to uni, check out our article on UCAS. If you need help with your university application, you've come to the right place. (Source: Free-Photos)If you're still asking yourself “What can I do?”, then you might want to consider getting career coaching from a private tutor on Superprof. They can help you explore career options, find a job, apply for jobs, develop interviewing skills, and find networking events.On Superprof, you can find life coaches, career tutors, and academic support tutors. Generally, there are three types of tutorial available: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials. Each type of tutorial comes with its pros and cons and you'll need to think about your budget and your goals when choosing which one to go for.Face-to-face tutorials are between you and your tutor. As the only student in the class, you'll benefit from tailored sessions and your tutor's undivided attention. While these are often the most costly type of private tutorial, they're also the most cost-effective thanks to how much time your tutor can spend focusing on you.Online tutorials are similar to face-to-face tutorials in terms of the tutor-student ratio but your tutor won't be in the room with you. Thanks to the wonders of the internet, you can now get private tutoring via webcam using video conferencing software such as Skype. While not ideal for hands-on subjects, online tutorials are great for academic subjects and they're often cheaper than the face-to-face tutorials since the tutor doesn't need to factor travel costs into their rates.Finally, group tutorials, as you may have guessed, are when you're taught alongside other students in a group. With several students footing the bill, these tutorials often work out cheaper per student per hour. While cheaper, it does mean you won't get as much attention from your tutor as they'll need to focus on several students at once. Unfortunately, this all means that they can't tailor their sessions to you as they'll need to take the other students' n eeds, strengths and weaknesses, and goals into account when planning their lessons.Think carefully about your goals, budget, and learning style before deciding what type of tutorials are right for you!

Friday, March 6, 2020

How Much Do Italian Lessons Cost

How Much Do Italian Lessons Cost How to Budget for Learning Italian with a Private Italian Teacher ChaptersWhat is the Going Rate for Italian Lessons in the UK?Learn Italian through Italy-Based OrganisationsThe Average Cost of Italian Lessons through SuperprofHow to Select the Italian Teacher that Suits Your BudgetOther Ways to Reduce the Cost of Learning ItalianItalian, that most enticing of romance languages, is often overlooked in favour of the presumably more practical Spanish language, which lays claim to more usage worldwide.Still, there are numerous reasons that people cite when casting their language learning lot on the Italian tongue:They wish to imbue themselves with Italian cultureThey seek a job in Florence or Milan, in the fashion industryThey are about to embark on a trip to Italy: floating down the canals of Venice or enjoying Tuscany's sun-drenched hillsThey are foodies hoping to unlock the mysteries of Italian cuisine by learning from the mastersThey are aware that Italy is the world's seventh-largest economy and are poised to take their place among Rome's or Sien a's movers and shakers.All of these reasons and more drive people to seek out professors of Italian, but at what cost?How much should you expect to pay to become fluent in Italian?And how will you find the teacher who is right for you?Let us discuss the most cost-effective way to learn the language of Dante: avanti!Learn the many ways to save money on your language learning Source: Pixabay Credit: StevepbBritish Council, Italian lags behind French, German and Spanish as languages students elect to learn in secondary school.That is such a pity!In a society where people cry out for individualism, with unique voices that long to distinguish themselves from the masses, one way to stake that claim would be to focus on a language the mainstream is all but ignoring.Italy is the world's 8th largest economy, whose enterprises impact especially the high-end consumer.Fashionistas appreciate brands like Gucci and Versace. Automobile afficionados dream of racing a Ferrari or owning a Maserati.Wi th Italian as your second language, you may well become employed by a fashion house or car manufacturer, should that be your dream!All of that starts with learning Italian, from buongiorno to buona notte.It's not that Italian courses are not offered in UK schools. They are, alongside a lot of other languages. Languages that are more often selected for study than la lingua italiana.You have elected to study Italian in school?Congratulations! Now all you need is a dedicated approach and a variety of learning materials, as well as ways to focus, in turn, on the four areas of learning: listening and speaking, reading and writing.For that, you couldn't hope for better than a private tutor.Let us talk, for a moment, about the two ways to secure private lessons...Learn Italian Through Private OrganisationsAn obvious solution to mastering the language of Dante Alighieri would be to enlist with a language learning concern.Language schools have years of teaching experience and a refined teach ing methodology.They also have legions of teachers who could come to your home, or deliver lessons via webcam, or teach in small groups in their office, or give one on one lessons at their facility.Those Italian teachers have most likely already been vetted: demonstrated their competence with the language through an impressive array of credentials.At the start of every Italian lesson they would quiz you on what you've retained â€" maybe start out with a bit of conversational Italian, if you are at intermediate level.The close of your language lesson  may well bring a list of words and phrases to memorise before your next session.Such instruction fees could be as high as £40 or more per hour, and some language teaching institutes may charge an initial administrative fee, just for enroling.You can find such offices all over the UK.Learn Italian through Italy-Based OrganisationsYour second option to learn how to speak Italian would be to address yourself to any Italian-driven outlet t hat focuses exclusively on Italian language lessons.This type of course is more likely to happen in small groups, so that the teacher can be sure that everyone receives equal support and attention.If you live in London, the Italian Culture Institute offers language lessons, for absolute beginners all the way to advanced Italian learners.If you hang your hat in or close to this region, the University of Manchester has an excellent programme for learning Italian.As long as Manchester is on the map...That campus is the home to the UK's only branch of the Società Dante Alighieri, which also offers language lessons, both on campus and via webcam. These lessons have competitive pay-as-you-go scheme wherein each session costs £6 per evening ( £4 for students), as well as other, more conventional schedules of fees.You may pay over £90, plus the cost of books and other materials for a course in Basic Italian. For more advanced courses, the fees are set at over £100, plus the cost of lear ning materials.Engaging a Superprof tutor will ease your budget concerns Source: Pixabay Credit: Firmbee those who are passionate about Italian speaking and wish to impart their language skills â€" Superprof's lineup of tutors is sure to meet all of the criteria you are looking for in a teacher of languages. You even learn Italian online!Che ne pensi, Amico?Finding a teacher that won't clean you out is easy with these tips Source: Pixabay Credit: DerneuemannHow to Select the Italian Teacher that Suits Your BudgetEvery student has his own ideas, ideals and goals well developed before pitching himself headlong into Italian learning.Thus, it corresponds that s/he should choose the teacher that will best match said ideas and goals.And then, we add to the mix the fact that Italian teachers also have their teaching methods and philosophies.Only the most altruistic of teachers could afford to give lessons for free!So, how to find a lower-cost teacher who will still satisfy every criterion you require as you learn to speak Italian?Take Lessons with a StudentYou wish to learn Italian phrases and practice your spoken Italian prior to holidaymaking in Tuscany.You want to nail down Italian grammar fundamentals.You need to expand your Italian phrasebook.For these instances and more, you might appeal to a student of the Italian language.Besides requesting lower fees than more experienced tutors, this new generation of language learners could make your lessons more relevant to our modern times, and more fun.Prepare for a Major Exam with a Bilingual ProfessorIf you are anticipating sitting for any Italian exam, including the life-changing ones such as CILS or PLIDA, you may want to work a bit with such a master.Being a formal instructor, possibly engaged in a teaching position with a bona fide institution of learning, s/he has probably already sat for the exams you anticipate taking.As you are most likely more advanced in your studies, and probably only need a boost to your I talian speaking abilities, this would be the ideal teacher for you.The Native Italian TeacherThis type of tutor would be most apt to provide an immersive atmosphere to his lessons, weaving together language and culture, peppering speech with native expressions and rich Italian slang.Italian language courses with a native speaker are more likely to refine your Italian pronunciation and, while you're at it... why not incorporate gastronomy or art appreciation into your learning experience?When learning a new language, it is always best to expand topics of discussion beyond what is offered in textbooks.That is what a native speaker of this romance language can do for you.Don't reach for the credit card so quickly: look for more ways to reduce Italian lesson costs Source: Pixabay Credit: StevepbOther Ways to Reduce the Cost of Learning ItalianLearning is hard work, both for your brain and on your wallet.If your disposable income is sparse, taking supplemental lessons at home could put u ndue strain on your budget.Let us now propose other ways you can help reduce the cost of Italian lessons.First Hour FreeMore than 90% of Superprof tutors give their first hour of teaching for free.Those introductory sessions are meant to be more of a face to face, get-to-know-each-other proposition, to see if your learning needs match that instructor's style, rather than a full-on teaching session about conjugating Italian verbs.That doesn't mean that, once you find the ideal teacher, you couldn't negotiate rates.You will find Superprof teachers to be very understanding and amenable. You may even offer to do some work in exchange for free Italian lessons!Lower Fees for More HoursRome was not built in a day. Nor will a decent lexicon of Italian vocabulary be acquired in that time.Obviously, to gain proficiency in Italian, you will have to spend more than one hour â€" or one day with a tutor.And don't let those adverts fool you: Learn Italian in 30 days? Speak Italian fluently for onl y £80? Seriously?It will most certainly take more than one month and, quite possibly more than £100 to gain fluency in any language, including Italian.By agreeing to a set number of lessons with a particular tutor at the outset of your language learning efforts, you could certainly incur a lower price.Some Superprof tutors give up to a 15% discount when you sign up for ten or more lessons!Location, Posizione, LocationWhere you live bears on how much you will pay for lessons, believe it or not.People who learn another language in London are more likely to pay a higher rate than someone who wants to learn language in York or Bath, or the Scottish Highlands.By no means are we suggesting that you relocate solely for the purpose of incurring lower language learning fees.You could also  consider taking online lessons.Online communication these days â€" video-conferencing and chatting are ubiquitous. Just about every  business that has in any way modernised makes use of this technology.Y ou can too!Using the camera built right into your laptop, tablet or smartphone, you could be speaking Italian in a matter of minutes.All of these avenues provide you ways to control the cost of learning la lingua d'italia. All you have to do is look for the teacher and price that suits your budget. Try it on Superprof by searching for the subject and city, for example Italian classes London. Good luck!Buona ricerca!   P.S. You can also  Prepare for your Italian exams with our guide to exams.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Work-Life Balance and Its Importance Today - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Work-Life Balance and Its Importance Today - Introvert Whisperer Work-Life Balance and Its Importance Today Work-life balance has gained considerable importance in the last few years. Experts at Rutgers University claim that “Work-life balance has become a top priority to many workers entering or moving up the career ladder in today’s workforce. This trend is evident in a broad range of careers and industries.” One reason for this is the growing number of millennials entering the workforce. With an increasing number of millennials dominating office environments, employers are trying harder to appeal to this majority by emphasizing a healthy balance between work and personal life. However, millennials tend to define work-life balance differently from previous generations, owing to the continuous evolution in regards to the definition of the term. So what exactly does work-life balance consist of today? That’s a question with no fixed answer as, ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all definition of work-life balance. Contrary to popular belief, work-life balance is not a 50/50 split between one’s professional and personal life. In fact, work-life balance can differ from person to person and depends greatly on one’s priorities at a given time. For instance, a married person with kids will have a very different definition of work-life balance from that of a recent graduate with student debt. Why is Work-life Balance Important? Having a proper work-life balance has many advantages. Most significantly, maintaining a healthy work-life balance prevents employee burnout and reduces chronic stress. Alan Kohll, a Forbes contributor for corporate wellness, writes that “Chronic stress is one of the most common health issues in the workplace. It can lead to physical consequences such as hypertension, digestive troubles, chronic aches and pains and heart problems.” Eventually, too much stress over extended periods of time can lead to employee burnout, affecting both the company and employee very negatively. Employee burnout has severe psychological ramifications, and results in a major drop in employee productivity and performance. Promoting a well-balanced life can reduce the probability of burnout significantly. While the most obvious benefit of work-life balance is fewer health problems in employees, it also aids in boosting employee engagement. Additionally, companies that promote work-life balance tend to attract and retain top talent as the general employee satisfaction level is much higher. There are many telltale signs that indicate poor work-life balance amongst employees no matter the industry. These include overeating or barely eating, experiencing lack of sleep, having nightmares about work, a feeling of depression, constant irritability and fatigue, getting sick often, drinking excessive coffee, and refusing to take a break at work. Should employers or employees notice any of these signs recurring in fellow employees, they should encourage the affected employee to take action and actively work towards a better work-life balance before it is too late. How to Achieve Better Work-Life Balance One of the best ways for employers to promote work-life balance is to allow for a flexible work environment. Doing so is proven to satisfy the needs of most employees, no matter which generation of workers they belong to. Flexible work environments that encourage remote working have been shown not only to boost productivity but also reduce stress levels. The ability to work from anywhere enables employees to personalize their schedules and save ample time that would have otherwise been spent in long commutes. This translates into extra time to invest in self-care and wellness activities. Simultaneously, employers must realize that work-life balance goes beyond simply the hours of work. Creating a happy, accepting and safe work environment for employees should be a top priority for employers. An overall positive work experience allows employees to feel like their place of work is like their second home, and creates a healthy mindset. Companies can improve workplace culture by providing competitive compensation, prioritizing comfortable working conditions and providing opportunities for professional development. Alongside employers, there are many actions employees can take to achieve a better work-life balance. One suggestion is to organize the week in advance. Coming home after a busy day at work to a long list of chores with no idea where to start is a major cause of stress for a lot of employees. As aptly stated in this article, “With a job, family, and housework to balance, sometimes it seems impossible to indulge in hobbies or even just relax.” Taking some time out at the start of every week to map out weekly goals and create to-do lists can help relieve that foreboding feeling of stress and provide a sense of direction through the week. Organizing one’s week in advance is a great way to free up some time that could then be used to pursue non-work and non-household related interests, or to simply relax and unwind. Additionally, employees should commit to “disconnecting” and spending some time away from their digital devices. In today’s overly connected world, it’s easy to feel “always-on.” Constantly checking emails and engaging on social media doesn’t really allow one to separate work life from personal time. Committing to a fixed amount of no-screen time can help employees slow down and decompress, giving their minds a complete break from the work-induced, high-stress mindset. Achieving a healthy work-life balance no longer happens as organically as it once did. In today’s digital era, maintaining a comfortable balance between the professional and personal takes effort and strategic thought from employers and employees alike. However, given the importance of work-life balance, this shouldnt be a deterrent. Rather, employers and employees should work together to create optimum working conditions that promote a productive, happy, and healthy lifestyle. Author Bio: Frankie Wallace  is a freelance writer from Boise, Idaho and contributes to a wide variety of blogs online. Wallace writes about many different topics, from education to the environment. Photo Source: Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

What is a Vertical Line

What is a Vertical Line In a coordinate X-Y plane, there are two main axes which are always fixed. They are the X-axis and the Y-axis. The X-axis is the horizontal line and the Y-axis is the vertical line. In the coordinate plane, any axis parallel to the Y-axis is also known as the vertical line. Given any point on the plane, a vertical line can be drawn passing through the given point. Based on the point, the equation of the vertical line can be calculated. Example 1: On which line are the points (0, 3) and (0, 5) located? Given two points: (0, 3) and (0, 5) Hence for the point (0, 3), the x-coordinate = 0 and y-coordinate = 3. Similarly, for the point (0, 5), the x-coordinate = 0 and the y-coordinate = 5. We can see that both the points have the x coordinate as 0 which means that the points are on the Y-axis as only on Y-axis, all the x-coordinates of the points are 0. Example 2: On which line are the points (0, -1) and (0, -6) located? Given two points: (0, -1) and (0, -6) Hence for the point (0, -1), the x-coordinate = 0 and y-coordinate = -1 Similarly, for the point (0, -6), the x-coordinate = 0 and the y-coordinate = -6. We can see that both the points have the x coordinate as 0 and hence the points are located on the Y-axis. This Y-axis is the vertical line continuing up and down until positive infinity and negative infinity.

11 Ways to Practice Guitar While You Watch Shark Week

11 Ways to Practice Guitar While You Watch Shark Week Sign up successful When I first started learning to play guitar, I stared too much at my hands which really slowed down my ability to read tabs or chord charts while I played. Playing with the TV on pulled my eyes away from my hands and forced me to learn to rely on my muscle memory to form chords, scales, and riffs. I also used to get bored easily while practicing technical exercises such as scales and arpeggios. With the TV on in the background and my metronome clicking happily away, I can  run through technical exercises for  a whole episode of Shark Planet. Finally, watching TV distracts the nervous, busy parts of my brain that are mainly responsible for criticizing me constantly and wondering if I left the oven on. With my focus split and my busy-brain occupied, I can improvise in a freer, less-inhibited way. I find I feel less self-conscious and much more relaxed. Plus, its great to just spend more time with a guitar in my hands. If Im sitting around at home anyway, I might as well be playing! How to Practice Guitar While Watching TV For best results, I play an unplugged electric or hollow body electric guitar while watching TV. Its a little less annoying to the other members of my household, but I can still hear myself well enough to get the job done. When Im alone, I bust out my metronome for TV practice sessions as well. 11  Things You Can Practice While You Watch TV Ready to give it a shot? Ive selected  11 shark-approved  things you can practice while you enjoy Shark Week, your next Netflix binge, or a week long Harry Potter movie marathon. 1. Play Chromatic Scales Chromatic scales involve all the fingers of your left hand and theyre a great way to refine your right hand skills with your pick. Just like any other exercise, start with your metronome on a slow speed and work up to a faster tempo. 2. Play Pentatonic Scales Pentatonic scales are at the root of many of your favorite rock, pop, and blues songs. Plus, they are a great tool to have at your disposal when it comes time to improvise a solo. Practice them in many positions on the neck to get the pentatonic patterns locked in your muscle memory. 3. Play Major Scales Practicing major scales is a must for all musicians, no matter what instrument you play. There are five patterns you can learn  to play major scales all over the fretboard. 4. Play Minor Scales Minor scales give you a  sadder,  moodier sound. The melancholy vibe of these scales will help you express your grief  when Shark Week is over. 5. Play Scales in Different Modes Each scale can be played in a different order, known as a mode, for even more variety in sound and feeling. This guide from Guitar Habits can help you learn all seven modes in seven days. 6. Practice Chord Changes Keep your eyes on the TV as you practice switching from one chord to another. You can work through the chord changes in your favorite songs, or make up chord drills to give yourself a little extra challenge. 7. Play Arpeggios Arpeggio is a fancy word for broken chord, and theyre extremely versatile piece of  your guitar-skills arsenal.  Arpeggios are great for picking an accompaniment to a singer or for improvising solos. 8. Practice Fingerpicking It can take a lot of time to master the coordination that fingerpicking requires, so why not practice this technique while youre vegging out in front of the TV? 9. Practice Something That Challenges You Sometimes when youre playing something hard, the biggest obstacle to mastering it could actually  be your own mind. Get a little bit distracted with some TV while you play through challenging pieces (or parts of pieces) and you might break through your mental block. 10. Practice Something Easy Unwind by playing through your favorite, easy, fun pieces. After all, the best thing about playing guitar is the pleasure you get from making music. Enjoy yourself! 11. Get Creative You might like to improvise along with your TV, perhaps playing along to music in the show youre watching, or writing riffs inspired by what you see on the screen. Find what you enjoy and what makes sense for you to play. Remember, though playing in front of the TV can be fun and relaxing, its no substitute for focused and dedicated practice time. Your guitar teacher can help you make a plan for great guitar practice that helps you meet your musical goals. Practice every week like its Shark Week! Do you like to play guitar while you watch TV? Why or why not? Share your thoughts in the comments below! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Online Writing Lab English Writing Online Tutorpace

Online Writing Lab English Writing Online Tutorpace Online writing lab is useful for the students to finish their writing assignment or learn more about English writing. The online writing labs usually have many articles on different subjects and research on different topics. Articles based on some known facts as well as some collected and well researched data. The students are recommended to go through as many articles possible before submitting their writing assignments. The online writing lab helps improve the students knowledge as well as gives relevant ideas to improve their writing. Writing is a very basic and crucial part of English. Reading different literature content provides the student with a lot of insight and depth which helps them in their coursework. Reading more articles and researching on the given writing topic improves the standards of the assignment. There are different kinds of writing in English. Each kind has its own set of rules and regulations which need to be followed. The guidelines which are provided for the writing need to be taken seriously and thoroughly understood before writing the assignment. Its suggested that a rough draft is written prior to the final writing. Research for the given topic is the key in providing an impressive writing. The students always need to recite their sources used in their writing. There are hundreds of useful articles online which not only provide the content but also provide required explanation making it easy for the students to understand. Therefor online writing labs are one of the easily available tools for students to enhance their writing skills.